Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Day 49 - I ran a 5k today!

100% how I feel today
So I had a chiropractor appointment that ran late and got home late. I had to eat dinner and by the time I was finished eating, my Cavs were on (and are tied 2-2 with the Bulls in the series!) and considered scrapping my run (which I had already scrapped from yesterday due to severe thunderstorms that I didn't want to drive in).

I also decided to switch from using the couch to 5k app. I felt that it was hindering me from making progress and that I relied too much on the timer and not as much on how I felt. I also think I was using it as a crutch, "Oh only run so many minutes and then I can walk." So, I switched to the Nike + 5k program. Feeling that I have had enough progress to switch to a more "professional" app I guess.

Well for that program, I was supposed to run 2 miles, but as I was going I just felt GREAT. No pain, no huffing and puffing and fastest splits yet (since I wasn't walking and then trying to make up the walking time by running too fast) so I just went for it. I thought I could go one more mile-and I did!!! I was starting to think that I was never going to be able to get to the 5k mark-seriously NEVER. So I did it to prove it to myself and because I read an inspirational story on Facebook.

I follow some beginner's running groups and read them pretty religiously. I read a story from someone in a similar spot as me. Feeling defeated, feeling like I can't keep up with my friends, or look as good as them, etc. and I thought of the obstacle this person recently overcame, and just kept running. Cleared my head, and just kept going.

my times for my first 5k (yes I walked for a warm up/cool down but not more than that!)
So, knowing now that I can do it, I feel confident and excited. I texted everyone who knows about my journey and told them, and received an outpouring of support. I feel good physically, despite a bit of runner's knee (I'm sure its just all the weight I put on it!) and some hip pain while running (seeing the chiropractor and doing the exercises he recommends for strengthening has already brought me a long way) I felt great, and could be happier of my accomplishments.

Also, the Cavs pulling ahead in the series by winning tonight didn't hurt! :)

Until next time-

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