Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Day 69 - new running route

I took yesterday off. I had plenty of steps on my Fitbit from a field trip to the science center and had just done the 5K on Sunday. I had to get out there today because I am still in training for the 5K where I run my own pace and not with my students.

My sister had a softball game less than a 5 minute drive from the house, so I decided to see how far it is from my house. It was 2.25 miles and then another .25 miles to the field which was perfect! So I decided to run there since my family could drive me home.

I love this quote...
It was a VERY hilly run. The last hill was pretty steep and I just couldn't finish. My knees were hurting (I think because I was running on the side of the road and not on the sidewalk) and my calves were screaming.

Even with walking the last quarter of a mile, My pace as around 12 minutes! I am really starting to get faster, and I can really tell the difference when I am moving. What feels slow for me is a 12 minute pace, and 11 feels somewhat effortless. This whole running process was slow to start, but now that I am starting to see improvement, it really feels like I'm accomplishing something.

Also, since I got my Fitbit and was tracking my weight, I have lost 5 pounds! That's crazy to me - started tracking what I eat and tracking my movements and I lost 5 pounds in about a week and a half! And I'm doing it the right way too...

Tomorrow, I have an introductory meeting with my No Boundaries training program! I am so excited to get some coaching and have people to run with as well as scheduled time to run and a training program with cross training from a professional!

Until next time-

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