Sunday, March 29, 2015

Day 6 and 7-all combined into one!

This weekend was BUSY! I was feeling pretty stiff all weekend, so yesterday I went for a walk for a mile and then today I completed another recovery yoga video on DailyBurn.

What I am realizing more and more is that the running part is the easy part. The healthy eating is very difficult. I have to focus on portion control. I eat healthy whenever I can make my own choices, but living with others and eating family dinners nightly makes it difficult to be able to choose my dinner options. However, if I am really adamant about eating less of the garbage and more of the better options with the meal, I will be much better off.

how I feel at the gym...
I will have to go to the gym more now...I get home so late from work and usually have to do more work, so some nights will be too dark. I do feel very self conscious at the gym-everyone else there is always so much more fit! I don't want them to think that my frequent walking is weakness or see me as something I am not. My sister the athlete, tells me not to worry about it, so I am doing my best to not think about it. 

Tomorrow is my first day back at work after spring break and I really have to have the discipline to come home from work and make sure to fit my run in. I have already created a weekly schedule based on when I have meetings and things after work to try to fit it in. I am hoping to get out for runs at least 4 times a week and cross train or recover with stretching 2 days a week. Making the schedule will really help me stick with it! Anyone have anyways to ensure you stick with your schedule??

Until next time,

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